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New Adventures

Hello SUSE!!!

Today marks the start of a new chapter for me - I started as an employee of SUSE this morning. After 3.5 years (I had no idea it was that long) in HPE the time came, and me, and the rest of the team I work with, along with the Cloud Foundry team, and the OpenStack teams all moved en-mass to the new company.

I am really excited to work with SUSE, they really get open source, and do it well. I think with the progression of IaaS / CaaS / PaaS in recent years, we will end up with something like the linux kernel, and a few distros built around core open source components like OpenStack, Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry (or OpenShift).

SUSE has already shown they know how to do an enterprise distribution of an open source product, and I am looking forward to seeing how we do it for the future of compute.

There is a feeling of wistfulness leaving HP(E) - we did some amazing things there, and we had an amazing group of teams working closely to produce the best products we could. Running services in the public cloud will always be a highlight for me, and the level of freedom we were given to work upstream allowed us to have great projects, not just for HPE customers but for the community.

But alas, life is like a river, and the flow has sped up, carrying me into the next adventure!

  • Graham


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